Sunday 10 March 2013

Old People's Faces

I am fascinated by old people's faces. 

We all have our inner world where we fight our combats of all kind, where we experience our emotions, where sometimes, we are sad or bitter or angry. 

Here is what we can still do: hide our emotions, and put a smile on our faces, however fake that smile is. How long can you keep that fake smile on ?

As you get older in life, something crazy happens. It is a sum's game. If you have had more kindness, happiness and love, this is what you will look like:

However, if you experienced more sadness, bitterness and resentment, this is what you may look like:

How much do we really control ? Can we choose to look like one or the other old ladies above ?

Whatever is and will be thrown at you through the years, there are 2 paths in front of you. One of love, kindness and forgiveness, and the other well, you know, of the opposite kind.

Make peace, forgive and choose the happy wrinkles.